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I’m a writer, I’m going to write.

Tonight I watched the life of Lorraine Hanesberry and it was as it my heart had been lit by a flame. She was so brilliant, so poetic, and so young. At just 29 years she created the masterpiece that is “Raisin in the Sun”—the critical acclaimed story that tackles prejudice and adversity on the south side of Chicago, IL, USA. I love how authentically her that she was. She marched to the beat of her own drum, and carved out a path for young, aspiring, writers to walk through; specifically women of color. For a long time there was a voice in my head telling me to give up on writing. Every time I thought of jotting something down, or checking in on this blog, life always seemed to get in the way. But thanks to the highlights from the  "Inspiring Woman" series on PBS, I understand that writing is not something that you can just “let go”. Writing is like a first love; once it’s with you, it’s in your heart forever no matter how far or how long it’s been since you’ve connected. Writing is something that will always be a part of you. And if my work reaches no one's eyes but I and God’s... it’ll be worth it.

I’m a writer, I’m going to write. – Lorraine Hanesberry


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