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Showing posts from 2016

New Year. Same Favor. Greater Calling.

As the clock crawls closer to midnight and the dawn of a new year  arises, I challenge us all to reflect on what the Lord has brought us through. Think about the burdens you carried in the beginning of the year and where you are today.  Look at how far the Lord has brought you. You made it.  The gift of waking up into a new year, a new beginning, is so precious. Not everyone will receive it. That means your work is not done. That means that God has a greater calling on your life. The Lord has shined his ray of favor upon your heart! Rejoice! I plead to you my brothers and sisters, do not carry on any baggage of hatred, of anger, of bitterness. Do not carry the burden of an unforgiving spirit. For it will be like cancer that spreads throughout your body.  Release it in the name of Jesus. For God is calling you for something greater. Prayer for the week: Father God, I declare and decree that this year will be victorious in the mighty and mir...

Unwrapping a Testimony

Yesterday was Christmas,  and while I was grateful to be around my love ones, it could not overshadow the emptiness I felt that day. The emptiness that I'm sure a lot of us feel during the holidays; the spirit of loneliness. As I scrolled down my timeline on my Facebook page, I knew that I wasn't alone. I couldn't seem to shake my self-loathing. That's when the Lord led me to his word in Psalms 18:8--It is better to trust in Lord than to put your confidence in man. I was putting my self-worth in man and that was my first mistake. My friends, our identity is in God Almighty, not who we're with or not with, not what type of car we drive, or what type of job we have. We are great, because our greatness comes from him. The enemy would love for us to be depressed on the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. He wants to kill our spirits, steal our joy, and destroy of relationship with God. Don't let him!!   ...

Growing in God

Seeing the old you in someone else can be hard to face. I experienced that today. I got a long glimpse of the very blunt, judgmental, and sometimes down right mean side of who I use to be. But the great thing about seeing shadows of your former self, is that we get to see how much God has grown in us spiritually. As we go into the new year, let us be thankful for our changed hearts and renewed spirits. And let us pray for those who must learn to grow in God's grace. Prayer for the week: Father God, I ask that as we go through this week, we are reminded each day of your saving grace. When we are tempted to undo the works of your blood, keeps us grounded and remind us of your holy word. Remind us that we are not who we use to be, and that we are still growing as we walk in your light. Amen 1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

New Blog. New Ministry.

After a long battle of tug of war with my holy spirit, I've finally decided to use my gift of writing to spread the word of God's unconditional love; helping others understand just how magnificent the Lord Jesus Christ is. I pray that those who choose to read this blog will find it inspirational, thought provoking, and quenches your thirst to further explore a relationship with God for yourself. Pray for the week: Father God, I thank you for your love and light. Bless me with the fruit of the spirit as I go through this week. Let me see the world through your eyes. I open my heart to you father. Awaken my holy spirit and let it be a guide in my soul throughout each day. Isaiah 11:2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.