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Showing posts from July, 2017

Gotta have faith, faith, faith

Blessings readers. I know I’ve been M.I.A. for a minute but I’m back!! Now let’s see, has anything interesting happened to me within the last few months? Well, I got a job, lost the job, had a car accident, and lost my pet cat (she decided to run into the wild after being let out of her pet carrier to stretch her legs…big mistake). Oh, I almost forgot, I got a flat tire today on my rental car! Yaaaay! Ever heard of the catch phrase “ The devil is busy! ”? When incidents like these occur in our lives it’s easy to blame the mishaps on the devil, but that’s not always the case. When I lost my job, God revealed my issues with anger. I then asked the Lord to remove the spirit of anger from my heart. Soon after, it appeared that problems came like clockwork. And from the outside looking in it could seem that the enemy was trying to dictate my life. But it wasn’t the work of the enemy. It was God’s way of building my character and faith. Think about the story of Joseph in Genesis a...